French Assessor System is the result coming from the reform of the transplanted July System of Great Britain. 法国的参审制是对移植于英国的陪审团制进行改造后的结果。
Looking Back and Forward: A Survey of the Reform of China's Assessor System 回顾与展望:我国陪审制度改革述评
Assessor, under this system, participate in trying felonies and render a verdict on case facts and the application of law, jointly with professional judges. 参审制下的陪审员与职业法官一起,参与重罪案件的审理,共同就案件事实和法律适用作出裁决。
That of France typifies the Assessor System, mainly adopted by countries of continental law. 参审制主要为大陆法系国家所采用,以法国为代表。
The People Assessor System in the View of Embeddedness-conflict 嵌入冲突视角中的人民陪审制度
Modern Jury System originated from Great Britain is mainly divided into July System and Assessor System. 现代陪审制度发源于英国,目前世界上的陪审制度主要有陪审团制和参审制。
As the result of the development of the ancient assessor system, jury system is also the most important part in the modern system. 陪审团制度是古代陪审制度发展到一定阶段的产物,也是整个现代陪审制度的重中之重。
Going through weighing the ideas of value of the system as long as one hundred years, France has formed eventually the assessor system which has its features and accords with the countries situations. 在经历了长达百年的价值理念权衡的基础上,法国最终形成了独具特色的符合本国实际的参审制度。
Establishing the people's assessor system with Chinese characteristics 论建立中国特色的人民陪审制度
People Assessor System of China is similar to Assessor System in term of source and formation, though it came in imitation of that of the former Soviet Union. 中国的人民陪审员制度虽系仿原苏联的人民陪审员制度而来,但从渊源和形式上讲比较接近于参审制。
On the Reform of the People's Assessor System in China 人民陪审制的改革与完善&谈混合制人民陪审模式的建立
Talk about the new development of people's assessor's system 论人民陪审员制度的新发展
Reflects on People. s Assessor System 完善人民陪审员制度的理性思考
People's assessor system is that absorbs the assessorinto the judicial authorities to supervise the trial work independently to guaranteejustice and perform duties honestly. 人民陪审制度就是让人民陪审员进入到国家审判机关内部对其审判工作进行独立有效的监督制约,为司法公正廉洁提供有力保障。
Criminal Procedure and Assessor System 刑事诉讼与陪审制度
French assessor system is normal and strict in operation and plays an important role in criminal judicial practice. It has significant hint meaning to the reform of our countries assessor system. 当代法国的刑事参审制度操作规范、严谨,在刑事司法实践中发挥着重要的作用,对于我国陪审制度的改革具有重大的启示意义。
The Material Database System mainly serves foreign student, Chinese language teacher, and material quality assessor under the management of system janitor. 素材库系统主要面向学生、对外汉语教师、素材审核员三种身份的用户,由系统管理员负责管理。
The section first reveals the disadvantages existence of our jury trial system, then compared the advantages and disadvantages of the jury trial system and the assessor system, has a thorough discussion of the system reconstruction model of jury selection. 文章先揭示了我国陪审制度存在的种种弊端,之后比较了陪审制和参审制的优势和劣势,对我国陪审制度重构模式的选择进行了深入探讨。
The assessor system has played a positive role in China, but it is confronted with ceasing to exist except in name. 陪审制度在我国也曾经发挥过重要的作用,但现在它面临着名存实亡的命运。
Though this is a kind of judicial system originated abroad, but when introduced to China, it got "Chinese characteristics"-people assessor system. 这虽然是一种源于国外的司法制度,但当它引入中国之后,便具有了中国特色&人民陪审员制度。
Meanwhile, the selection-scope should be expanded to make the assessor-source general and representative; the jury assessor authority has to be further defined, getting the assessor-judge relationship into shape. In addition, the supporting system of budget security need to be improved. 同时,要大力拓宽陪审员遴选范围,提高人民陪审员来源的广泛性和代表性;进一步明确陪审员职权,切实理顺陪审员与法官关系。此外,还要加强经费保障等配套制度建设。
Aimed at those theoretical and practical problems, it proposes countermeasure suggestions on the ways of civil judicature participation, such as judicial publicity, the media participation and People Assessor System, etc. 并针对公民司法参与所面临的理论与现实问题,在公民司法参与的途径,如司法公开、媒体参与、人民陪审员制度的完善等方面提出了对策性建议。
The design of the people assessor system has begun in China for decades, but for various reasons, it has not achieved real results. 人民陪审的制度设计在我国虽已开始数十年,但由于各种原因,未取得理想实效。
Today, the jury system is mainly divided into two types, one is Anglo-American jury system, represented by the Great Britain and America, another is Assessor System, represented by Germany and France. 时至今日,陪审制主要分为两种,一种是以英美为代表的陪审团制,另一种是以德法为代表的参审制。
Though both Germany and France belong to assessor system countries, each has its character in their form of criminal court. 德国和法国虽都属于参审制国家,但在刑事法庭组成方式上,具有各自的特点。
Compared with British and American jury system, the assessor system of continental legal system has many problems when it appears. 相比英美法系的陪审制而言,大陆法系的参审制度从其设立之初就存在着很大的问题。
It points out that the reconstruction of our jury system can not stick to the jury trial system and assessor system, measuring the advantages and disadvantages of both correctly and reconstructing the jury system in line with China. 指出我国陪审制度重构应不拘泥于陪审制和参审制的模式,全面衡量二者利弊,正确把握两者的区别和优劣,重构出符合中国特色的陪审制度。
But deep-rooted theoretical issues still exist in the people assessor system and need to be explored, some specific operational problems have not yet been resolved. In a certain extent, these problems affected the people assessor system for the implementation and effectiveness. 但关于人民陪审制度仍存在深层次理论问题需要继续探讨,一些具体操作问题尚未解决,在一定程度上影响了人民陪审制度的推行和实效。